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Enjoying your abundant Harvest

Writer's picture: Stefani ErnstStefani Ernst

When the week started I had a long to do list and the days ahead did not seem enough to get through all the tasks at hand.

My weekend was anything but restful. My husband was away and me and the kids were alone at home and both of the children were sick with high fever. They become very needy when they are sick, like most children, and would fight over my attention and the privilege to sit on my lap. In between their cries I had to continue with the daily chores and prepare meals. I literally cooked while my daughter, now 2, dangled on my leg. She was dragged all over the kitchen as I tried to finish my preparation and clean the house, because we had a guest on the way as well.

I was away all day Tuesday and got no work done, so I was hoping that the next day would be more productive. Wednesday was voting day so there was no help at the house and my husband was not home again... The house was filled with kids crying, laughing, shouting and fighting. Somebody was either hungry, thirsty or got hurt. Needless to say my day was filled with futile attempts to try and work... The house was a mess with the kids rampaging through the home. During my little free time I had to clean up the house and prepare food because we had a new guest arriving...

Each time I would go and sit behind my computer to try and just tick one thing of my list, one of them would come and get up on my lap or call me or had some form of emergency. I am human and I got frustrated, angry and hopeless at times and just wished for some time alone so that I can get some urgent work done.

This morning while I was spending time in the Bible, I read this verse in Proverbs 14:4 "The only clean stable is an empty stable. So if you want the work of an ox and to enjoy an abundant harvest, you'll have a mess or two to clean up!"

This verse spoke to my heart in a new way... I understand its meaning as it refers to the price you have to pay (cleaning) to be able to have tools that will in the end help you achieve what you need to (harvest). But Abba used this verse to speak to my heart... What I heard was, "The only clean house is an empty house... So rather enjoy your abundant harvest of kids, even if you have a mess or two to clean up!"

The thing is we've waited a long time for our precious kids. I am very grateful for them and I thank Abba often for these miracles in my life. I know very well what it feels like to long for children, and during that long wait and walk with infertility I would get upset if others would complain about how hard parenthood is. The truth is, it is hard especially if you have other responsibilities as well or if you are a single parent.

To raise children is a big responsibility and an honour! Becoming a mom was the best thing that has EVER happened to me. There are days that I struggle to divide my attention between my ministry, my business and my family. But then Abba comes and reminds me very gently to reset my focus. To enjoy the small moments and interruptions, even if it then shifts a deadline of an important task up a week. Because what I did learn to be true, is that sometimes the days may seem long, but oh, the years fly by so quickly and our time with our little ones are fleeting. So I wrote this post to encourage mothers...

I know you have a lot on your plates and many times what you do is not appreciated or taken for granted. Just remember that El Roi sees you, as He saw Hagar crying over her responsibility for her son. El Roi (The God who sees) knows with how much love you heal, prepare meals, shop, educated, comfort, play and much more! It is not going unnoticed.

'Do everything you do, heartily, as to YHUH and not men....' even if it is getting the tenth glass of water, wash the third apple for the day and being interrupted for the hundredth time so they can show a skill that is still in need of a lot of mastering or if you need to break up another quarrel.... the list is endless but precious.

In the same breath my heart breaks for those who still walk out their journey of infertility and long to fill their home with little voices (or loud screaming) and the patter of footsteps. I know you would not mind to change a thousand dirty nappies, clean a hundred spills - that would be a small price to pay if you could just have a little one to call your own. I am sorry that we sometimes forget what it is like too long for children, and may the Ruach always remind me. I pray and trust that Abba would reveal His desires regarding children to you! If you have not heard my testimony, please have a listen to it here.

This is the key for moms - gratefulness! Praise Abba everyday for your family and cherish what you have. Do not let the duties and chores of our daily lives steal our greatest blessing - golden moments of being mothers, raising our children - the easy and the hard moments, they are all precious!

Blessings and Love,


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2 commentaires

03 juin 2024

El Roi, this is the second time in one day I have been blessed by this encouragement. Stefani I can definitely relate, my kid has been on and off sick for 4 weeks, and I am desperate to just connect with His people and get so frustrated with dealing with sickness. But even in times of feeling isolated, He always sends a word letting me know He cares deeply even for my connection and belonging to His people.

There is so much more giving involved in motherhood than I ever thought of. Like your own free time to take care of your needs, now that I am pressed and can't take care of a need in myself, He fills it…

Stefani Ernst
Stefani Ernst
04 juin 2024
En réponse à

🕊️ Annelet

Thanks for your comment... Sometimes it is reassuring when we know we are not the only ones suffering through challenging times. May your time with your children be blessed and out of that place of thankfulness, may your cup overflow! Xx



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